Head Office:

Unit 904, 9th Floor, Mahstan Tower, South Kargar Street, Tehran, Iran

Phone: +98 21 66566874

Fax: +98 21 66566875

WhatsApp: +98 9120895165

Fattah Teb Pouya Company is proud to have achieved its primary goals through more than 30 years of activity, relying on technical and managerial knowledge, and utilizing domestic and foreign specialists. These goals have always been to elevate the quality level and sales services, to offer products of superior quality, to focus on customer orientation, and to maintain the trust that is based on the strong background of Fattah Teb. The company is committed to the distribution and technical support of its products by attracting experienced and reliable personnel. Currently, the company is the exclusive representative of three brands: Carbonex, Fattahteb, and Merdian.